There are three main different types of aquatic pets: fish, crabs and sea snails. Fish include goldfish, koi, and more. Crabs have to change out of their shells from time to time as they grow. Sea snails can climb the walls of their tank.
You can’t really teach fish, crabs, and snails tricks. They’re really just fun-to-watch pets. But sometimes they will do something interesting. You just have to watch to find out what they’re doing.
You should always ask your veterinarian what your aquatic pets should eat. Sometimes it’s everyday pet food or vitamins. Your aquatic pet needs to stay healthy so ask your vet what your pet needs to eat.
Aquatic pets are fun. Aquatic pets are interesting. Aquatic pets are great to have.
- Tank (aquarium)
- Rocks for the bottom of the tank
- Fish, sea snail, or crab food (depending on the pet)
- Coral reef hideout
- Net
- Fake plants

- Get your aquatic pet from a pet store
- Talk to your aquatic pet
- Feed it daily (or as much as your vet says)
- Spend time with your pet